A downloadable game

Daddy has reached depths of hell to rescue his son who is trapped and he needs to find a key to set him free from hell's prison . Become daddy , and save your son while also utilising your powers to become large as a giant and small like a minion , but those abilities have their own strength and weaknesses , pay attention and use them as needed and find the key at the top of all the platforms to unlock the gate of prison that holds your beloved son . 

Good Luck ji !

Updated 12 days ago
Published 29 days ago
StatusIn development
Tags3D Platformer, Singleplayer, Zombies


superstar daddy 04.zip 497 MB

Install instructions

Easy download , extract and play , game is developed on unreal so it might ask permission to run on your desktop . Other than that , following are the controls :

WASD - Move 

E - Grab item

F - Respawn

LMB - Scale Up

RMB - Scale Down

You can also adjust your graphics by settings to make it run smoothly on your PC .

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